CSA News
The Creation Science Association for Mid-America

Volume 30: (1)
Jan 2013

"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in men" Psalm 118:8

Coming Events: 2013

Safaris Summary

Several Creation Safaris are returning again this year. This year we will not be having the usual spring safari to Ha-Ha-Tonka. Watch for it in the fall. We will not be having the Camp Genesis safari, because we are bringing back the Greater Kansas City Fossil Hunt and will revisit the safari to the Safari Zoological Park in Caney, KS (see below for more details.) We are modifying our first safari to SE KS for a return visit to Joplin mineral museum. A new safari last year, a photo safari to learn how to appreciate and photograph God’s wonderful creation, was successful, so we will try it again.

April 13

South East Kansas Fossils and Mineral Safari

A day trip to Galena KS for a mineral hunt and fossil hunting on the way, along with discussions of coal and fossil formation. We will end up at the Joplin Mineral and mining museum.

May 25 - 27

Western Kansas Safari

A three day Memorial Weekend Trip that starts at the grand canyon of KS in Manhattan KS, then to central KS to fence post rock country for a visit to an ash fall site and clam fossils. The next two days we explore the Niobrara chalk country for clams, sharks teeth, fish fossils and maybe a mosasuar. The chalk monuments are also very pretty and make some stunning photos.

June 8

Photo Safari

Bring your digital camera and learn how to take better photos. We will also present on how to appreciate God’s wonderful creation so you can use the photos you get to tell others.

June 20-22

A Float Trip Down the North Fork

of the Black River

A beautiful river that will provide family fun, fishing and fellowship. By getting there on Thursday and floating on Friday we miss most of the noisy groups, which makes for better fishing.

July 20

Kansas University Natural History Museum Safari

This very popular safari is back; last year we did it three different times. Again we will go into evolutions cathedral to unmask its misleading displays to show that the same evidence better supports creation. We also fossil hunt on the way there, so that you can have some evidence of your own.

Not Scheduled

Rock Bridge / Connor’s Cave Safari

A day trip Rock Bridge Memorial State Park for a walk though karst topography. We see many karst features such as a rock bridge, a spring, sink holes, a cave window and we will explore the unlit and wild Connor’s cave. It is not very long but you get far enough in to get past the twilight zone.

August 17

Greater KC Fossil Hunt

We visit many of Kansas City’s fossil sites and bring home lots of fossils and a respect for the Biblical flood.

Aug. 31 - Sept. 3

South East MO Safari

Over Labor Day weekend – three days of exploring Missouri’s volcanic past. We swim and play in chutes carved into volcanic ash rock at Johnson’s shut-ins, explore a huge granite pluton with strange and fanciful boulders at Elephant Rocks State Park, climb up a mountain to see the Devils Post Pile, visit an old silver mine for mineral samples, camp and have discussions and fellowship.

Not Scheduled

Safari Zoological Park Caney KS

There are zoos that are closer, but you have to deal with the crowds and the animals are difficult to see. This zoological park may have a limited selection but you get a guided tour and the animals come up close so you can see them. Lions, tigers and bears oh my, plus leopards, baboons, lemurs, macaques, alligator and more. Our tour will be with a creation perspective of the awesome diversity of God’s creation. We will also try to throw in some fossil and maybe some mineral hunting while on the way down.

October 18 - 19

Ha Ha Tonka Safari

Some will want to camp out or stay in a motel over Friday night and visit the DinoSpace Center there Saturday morning. See http://dinospaceadventure.com/ Saturday afternoon We visit the Karst (caves, sink holes, rock bridges) topography of Ha Ha Tonka State Park around Camdenton MO and later Jacob’s Cave.

Not Scheduled

KATY Bike Trail Safari

Come ride along with us on the KATY bike trail. It’s on an old railway grade between the bluffs and the Missouri river, so it is suitable for the whole family. You can bring your own bikes or rent them at the trail head.

December 7

Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge Safari

Eagle Days

Depending on the weather, we’ll see 400,000 snow geese and 124 bald eagles along with ducks, herons and trumpeter swans. A bird lovers paradise, although it can get quite cold, it is well worth bundling up for. We fossil hunt on the way and discuss the ice age loess soil. We also discuss migration patterns and the dinosaur-to-bird evolution story.

Surely you can find a safari to your interest, so escape to reality with us and learn more about God’s wonderful creation.

Check out the CSA photo albums of previous safaris on our web page and Facebook.

The safari detail booklet will be posted soon on our website with further details.



Local and National Conferences


CSA Monthly Meeting

Tuesday February 5th, 2013

The February meeting will feature a DVD from Moody Science Films entitled:

Seeds- The Journey of Life

“Witness a fantastic voyage through floods, fire, and storms. A valiant struggle against impossible odds. All performed by a perfectly ordinary, yet truly remarkable creation: the simple seed. But Journey of Life is more than a fascinating look at God's design for growing plants. It's also a wonderful picture of the most important voyage of all, the journey of the living seed of God's Word, taking root in human hearts. This highly acclaimed video urges us to examine our lives. And to look beyond present struggles to the promise of eternal life.”



This is the first issue of the New CSAMA NEWSLETTER. Before going any further, lets take a look at an old article that was published by CSA back in 1993. (Vol 10: (1) Jan/Feb 1993) This was written by Tom Willis:


"CSA 1993" - Our 10th Year

After several years of noting and studying the fact that evolution was being widely taught in science classes, museums, public parks and zoos, I had concluded evolution was not merely unscientific, it was a collection of pagan religious mythology that presented a real threat to individuals and society. I had begun expressing myself on the subject, and found I was being invited to speak to various groups. During the summer of 1983, at the exhortation of my wife, Penny, I attended an international conference on Creation in Minneapolis. It was like a breath of fresh air to find so many intelligent, highly educated men committed to Biblical Creation as the accurate history of the world.

I invited several friends who had expressed an interest in the subject to consider doing something about it. Walter Lang, founder of the Bible Science Association gave us his mailing list for the area. I spent some time with Walter, and found him to be essentially prophetic in some of his views. He told me that the "creation movement" of the mid-1900's had demonstrated beyond doubt that Creation was the best science, that they had enjoyed 30 years of relative peace ("They have largely ignored us"). He likened the era to that of Samuel and his school of the prophets followed by the period of David. He invited me to get into the creation ministry, punctuating his invitation with: "The era of peace is over, the Lord needs to send some David's into the field." I reflected on his comments and realized that, like David, the Lord had prepared me for this kind of warfare. I had spent over 20 years consuming technical material and conveying it to people who didnot want to hear it. I prayed, "Lord, here am I, if it's your will, send me."

We invited Walter to be our guest at our first meeting, December of 1983. About 40 people attended. Among those were Roy Holt and Larry Rink, both of whom were (and are) instrumental in our success. Roy, a natural researcher, had already done a considerable amount of it, and with the encouragement CSA provided, he really plunged into it. Larry, a natural doer, had already scheduled Creation lecturers by outside speakers, notably Dr. Gary Parker, and later, Ken Ham and John MacKay.

As with any ministry, or, for that matter, any venture requiring hard work and human organization and cooperation, there were setbacks. People dropped out, some over disputes, some because it interfered with intramural sports or TV football and other important family activities. On a number of occasions, the obstacles have produced considerable discouragement. But each time the Lord has provided new hope and new talent. Joining CSA leaders since its founding have been: Bob Farwell (a public school science teacher who formerly taught evolution), Ken Carlson (a consulting engineer with interest in and knowledge of coal formations), Glenn Kailer (a pastor who decided what CSA was doing was more important than what he had been doing), Calvin Myers (a medical physicist), Jim Henderson (a college biology teacher who decided it was time he do something on this issue outside the classroom), and now Greg Hinners (a meteorologist) have all joined our roster of speakers. As mentioned last month, a number of others have provided other help, and several thousand have provided financial assistance.

Particularly encouraging to me is that all these have been exhorted into activity by the prior work of CSA. They are each living proof of the effectiveness of our work... they joined it! Obviously there were many others encouraged by it and many whose efforts contributed to it. Also encouraging is the support and the mail we receive as a result of CSA News and other activities.

It has been our "creed" that God knows full well how he created, that He has accurately communicated those facts to us, and that, a proper understanding of His account of origins is essential to a an understanding of the meaning, purpose, conduct and destiny of human beings. It is my sincere prayer that CSA will persist and continue to succeed in helping those who truly want to know the truth about their origins.


I am impressed with the forethought that went into the past thirty years of this ministry. We owe Tom and Penny Willis our deepest gratitude for the leadership that has brought CSAMA through:

  • Several rounds of Kansas Science Curriculum legislation.
  • At least 180 issues of the hard copy CSA Newsletter.
  • Planning for monthly meetings.
  • Planning for Safaris to demonstrate Creation in the Midwest.
  • Numerous Seminars and Home School conferences.

Let us resolve to follow in their footsteps.



Monthly Meetings

(Subject to change slightly)

  • February 5 - Moody Science DVD “Seeds, The Journey of Life” presented by Doug Dexheimer
  • March 5 - “Feasability of Noah's Ark” Presented by Kevin Anderson
  • April 2 - “History of Creation Science Movement” by Tom Willis
  • May 7 - “Laws of Logic” by Tom Willis
  • June 4 - “Vestigial Organs” by Bob Farwell
  • July 2 - “Origin of Life” by Kevin Anderson
  • August 6 - “The Great Debate” DVD Part 1
  • September 3 - “The Great Debate“ DVD Part II
  • October 1 - “The Great Debate“ DVD Part III
  • November 5 - Cave Formation, & Mineral Placement Bob Farwell, Doug Dexheimer, and Kevin Anderson
  • December 2 - To be determined.


You are invited to attend all the monthly meetings, and as many of the Safaris that you can fit into your schedule. Pass the word, tell your friends and neighbors about CSAMA and our activities. Show them how to subscribe to the CSAMA Newsletter.

Never miss an opportunity to debunk the "millions-of-years" notion that evolutionists insist is necessary for life as we know it.


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