Kansas University

Natural History Museum

Safari Highlights


You must pre-register for all safaris.

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"Yours in the Gospel, the Devils Gospel." Charles Darwin

The KU Natural History Museum, a Religious Shrine in the true tradition of paganism.


The Entrance to the museum is flanked by these two arches. While it is difficult to make out from this angle, if you look closely, just below the small windows (which are just below the arch at the top), carved in the white concrete base which "supports" the small windows, are the words "Darwin" and "Huxley"... the patron demons of the Museum?


In later life Darwin signed one of his letters "Your's in the Gospel, the Devils Gospel," so it is entirely fitting that KU acknowledge in stone, the source of the inspiration for the museum.

No CSA Safari Is Complete Without A Fossil Hunt Or Two

Well, Almost No Safari


It is our conviction that people will never have a solid understanding of Earth History or Earth Age until they get the notion of even a single "million" out of their head. And the best way to get this straight is get out and get your hands on the evidence yourself, and analyze it in the light of the Biblical record. So we take every opportunity to help you do just that.

Museum Tour with Lecture Stops at Key Exhibits

Format of the Museum Tour


This museum, like most "Natural History" is loaded with evidence for Biblical Creation. There is so much evidence here that it is a bit difficult to cover it all. We have a tour map with marked stops. Space for a large group is also a problem. When the group is too large, we break it in groups and take simultaneous tours.

2004 Group Shot
Say "Cheese".
Kevin Anderson's large fossil snail.



Copyright: © 2025 by Creation Science Association for Mid-America (CSAMA)
Organization: The Creation Science Association For Mid-America

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Friday - 03/14/2025