Squaw Creek Wildlife

Refuge Safari

You must pre-register for all safaris.

Pre-register for Safaris



500,000 Waterfowl

An annual highlight of this safari


(if we time it right)


500,000 Geese and Ducks


Safari participants enjoyed scrambling for fossils on this Safari. Now they get to sample some of Missouri's famous Loess Soil. It is as fine as face powder, but it stands in vertical walls like solid rock.


We will learn how and how fast so much Loess formed (deep deposits over much of Northern Missouri and Southern Nebraska).

Since we just left a fossil hunt, we will also learn the real meaning of fossils, how did they form, how quickly and what do they tell us?

Other Wildlife on the Squaw Creek Safari

How Many Bald Eagles Have You Seen At Once... 1... 5... 10... 50?

A real highlight for many folks on this safari is seeing so many Bald Eagles. The rangers claim a high of some 400 bald eagles on the refuge, but the most we have seen when we were there was around a hundred. Even with "only 80 to 100" they seem to be everywhere... on top of many muskrat huts, in many trees (sometimes 5 to 15 in a small cluster of trees).



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Organization: The Creation Science Association For Mid-America

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Tuesday - 02/11/2025