CSA Seminar Topics


If you are looking for an introduction talk, "Relevance of Creation" and/or "The Origin of Life" are a good place to start. Contact CSA for more info.


Title of Talk
Information in Nature - Where did it come from? more information

Of This They Are Willfully Ignorant - 1 Peter 3: Global, Infallible Evidence for the Genesis Flood more information
The Eruption of Mount St. Helens more information
Global Coal Deposits as Evidence for the Genesis Flood more information
The Genesis Flood - Religious Myth or Historical Fact? more information

Dinosaurs more information
Geologic and Fossil Evidence for the Genesis Flood more information
Textbook Evidence for Evolution more information
Ape Men - Science or Myth more information
Relevance of Creation more information
Age of the Earth - Evidence for a Young Earth - more information
"They Are Without Excuse..."- The Marvels of Nature more information
Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations more information
The Wonders of Nature more information
"The Fossil Record - What Does it Really Tell Us?" more information
"Mathematics in Nature and the Nature of Mathematics" more information
  UFO's, ET's and the Bible more information

Egyptian History 101 more information
Egyptian History and the Bible - Three Reconciliation Theories more information

European Biological Thought in the 1800's - Why Was Darwin Accepted? more information
Horses, Moths and Finches - Evolution or Creation? more information
Radiometric Dating - Does this clock work? more information
Bristlecone Pines - Are They Really That Old? more information
The Oklo "Natural Reactor" - Evidence for Changing Atomic Constants more information

Mark McCalmon

Creation Evangelism - Part I - Developing an Apologetic Character more information
Creation Evangelism - Part II - Practical Application more information

Astronomy and Origins - An Update more information
The Heavens Declare the Glory of God more information
History of the World as Told By God more information
The Ice Age, Where Does It Fit? more information

Why Are Redbirds Red? more information
Science versus Truth more information
What Is Science and How Does It Relate To Discussions of Origins? more information
The Origin of Life - The Myth of Chemical Evolution more information
The Origin of Kinds - The Great Proofs of Evolution more information
Age of the Earth - The Myth of Uniformitarian Geology more information
Is Creation Science? more information
The Origin of Fossils and Rocks - The Myth of Uniformitarian Geology more information
The Origin of Caves and Cave Formations more information
Evolution vs Creation...
The Battle for the Minds and Hearts of Our Children more information
Dinosaurs - The Whole Truth more information
National Science Standards: What are they? What do they mean? more information
Scientific Evidence for Creation (Really: Scientific Proof of a Creator) more information
Were Dinosaurs on the Ark? Understanding the Biblical Answer to Racism. more information
Christianity and Origins: "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth" more information
Feathered Dinosaurs - Fraud, Deception, or Science? more information
Ape Man: Science or Myth? more information
"The Age of the Earth - Using Radiometric Dating" more information

"The Age of the Earth - Using Geologic Formations" more information



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Organization: The Creation Science Association For Mid-America

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Thursday - 03/06/2025