CSA News: Tips and Problems
Problems Getting, Reading, Printing CSA News
If CSA News Does Not Download to Your Computer...
Starting January 2013 the CSA Newsletter is sent as an email only but it can be downloaded from the web site as a PDF. Newsletters prior to 2014 can be downloaded as a PDF from the newsletter page on this web site.
Note: Some email clients will not view HTML so there is a link to download the newsletter. For some reason the CSANews Hyperlink may not work in some email systems. If it fails for you, follow one of these two instructions:
A. Try Copying the link to your web browser:
- Copy this link to your Web Browser address line (http://www.csama.org/NWS0702.PDF), then click "GO"
- CSA News may contain quite a few graphics. It could take several minutes to download.
- Tip: Most browsers seem to download part of the newsletter, open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader and show you the first page. We think it is more convenient to download CSANews to your disk, and open and print it from there. Some browsers allow you to right click on the link. The then give you several options including "Save target to disk." See below for tips on how to do this.
B. Go to CSA Web Site to Retrieve CSA NEWS
- Get on the Web at www.csama.org.
- On the CSA home page click on CSA Newsletter.
- When you get to the Newsletter select from the options there of available newsletters.
- Click on those you need.
Tips on Saving and Using CSA News
To Preserve Your Copies of CSA News - Electronic:
- Make a Folder (Directory) titled CSA or CSAMA
If you do not know how to do this, here is one way: Click Start, Programs, Windows Explorer. In Windows Explorer, move the cursor to where you want the new directory (for example, "C-Drive." Click File, New, Folder. You will be given a new folder with the name, "New Folder." Simply change the name to "CSAMA." Then, double click on CSA folder to make it active.
- Create the three other folders (subdirectories): CSANews, CSA Safaris, CSAOther
- Click on the CSA News Link (below)
- Save the electronic version of CSA News in the \CSAMA\CSANews Folder (Directory).
Note: The Naming convention we use is: NWSmmyy, where yy = year, mm = month. Sometimes there will be a P or S indicating "Optimized for Print or Screen." We have also tried with a few issues, indicating the Version Number in the file name, but we have abandoned this procedure as confusing.
- Print or View the saved .PDF file (See Note about Acrobat Reader below)
- Enjoy and produce fruit. Give a few copies away
Notes re Back Issues of CSA News
If you missed an issue or lost it, most are available at www.csama.org. Follow instructions 1, 2, 3 under "If CSA News Does Not Download to Your Computer...," option "B" above. Many other back newsletters are also available there.
To obtain back issues of CSANews
- Visit www.csama.org
- Click on CSA News
- Follow Links and instructions
About CSA News:
CSA News is published by the Creation Science Association for Mid-America, 22509 State Line Road, Cleveland, MO 64734. CSA News issues were published every month, mailed about the 2nd week of each month. Starting January of 2013 the newsletter is e-mail only.
CSA News is sent only to those who request it. You must sign up for the newsletter on. You can download the current and past issues as a PDF or view it as an HTML page via the links at the www.csama.org newsletter web page.
Reporting Problems:
We have about 10% of our pilot sites report problems, usually minor, with each newsletter. Please let us know your experience too. Send us your notes and comments, especially any problems you have. Please include following:
- Some information about "Acrobat Reader Version" you are using
Note: You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader (v4 or above). Most computers have it. If you do not, it is free at www.adobe.com, at the bottom of their home page, click the "Get Acrobat Reader" button. The CSA News documents are quite complex. They have a lot of information in 4 pages. They can take several minutes to download.
- The Steps you employed trying to download CSA News
- The symptoms and error messages you received.
We trust you will find CSA News, articles, meetings, Safaris and other services useful.
May the peace that passes understanding, and comes only from Jesus, be yours today and forever, CSA Leadership
Copyright: © 2025 by Creation Science Association for Mid-America (CSAMA)
Organization: The Creation Science Association For Mid-America
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Wednesday - 01/22/2025